Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Letters on Kidblog!

    Since the typical response to the question, "What did you do in school today?' is 'Nothing', I decided to start having the students write Friday letters to their parents on Kidblog.  Every Friday they write a letter to tell their parents all about what they did in school during the week.  The parents can then log in and write a letter back in the comments section.  On Monday we display the letters on the Smartboard and the students read them to the class.  This has been a great way to involve the parents in our school and keep them informed.  The students are motivated to do their best since it's their parents they're writing to and they love reading the letters their parents post.  I even had a student who got letters from her mom, dad and sister.  She was very proud to share them.

Here is the sample I made up so the students and parents could see what to do.

Teacher Tip- is free and was designed for young students.  It is secure. No one can read the posts unless they are signed in with their specific password.  You can opt to approve the comments and posts before they are displayed for everyone to see and all of the comments and posts are tracked with the IP Address so you know what computer it came from.  The Friday Letter can also be done in a paper journal and sent back and forth if the technology is not available.

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